Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!

This is from a very old Radio Shack Catalog (and it was quite hard to upload it!) But the picture is from a 1994 Radio Shack catalog.

It is a 440-MHz Ham Transceiver. It comes with an AC charger and takes 2 AA batteries. The price at the time was $259.99 and I don't think that includes the tax.

As you may very well know Radio Shack is not the store that it used to be! You could pick up a whole lot of interesting and useful components for almost any kind of electrical equipment that you had. Now the store is very different. I believe that the last time that I went there you could still special order some parts but I don't even know if they do that now.

I'm sure you might be able to find this receiver on Ebay and maybe at some of the more specialty stores. I'm sure that there should be some kinds of stores that still sell these things but you probably would have to take som time and find them - although I am sure that there are still some of these around. There may be some people who know where you could buy them or they may be able to tell you about people that are selling them. I love a good hunt and if it meant that I could still find one of these then I would definitely try and track it down.

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