Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Lost Q-Codes

The "Lost" Q-Codes

QBA - My antenna is BIG!
QBA? - How big is your antenna?

QBO - Don't sit next to that guy in the meeting.
QBO? - Buddy, can you spare some soap?

QBS - It's getting deep in here.
QBS? - Did I tell you about the one that got away?

QCP - I am using Cat Power (From Rotary Cat Power Wheel)
QCP? - Are you using Cat Power?

QCW - I am going to whistle Morse Code on FM (or SSB)
QCW? - Why are you whistling Morse?

QDR - d**n Right the frequency is busy! In response to QRL
QDR? - Do you have a Receiver? In response to QRL

QET - Phone home.
QET? - Has anyone called me from another planet?

QEW - Copy is difficult due to Ear Wax.
QEW? - Is copy difficult due to Ear Wax?

QFH - This frequency is MINE! - go elsewhere.
QFH? - Is this frequency hogged?

QHI - I am jumping in quick to say hi, then going QRT.
QHI? - Are you leaving after only one transmission?

QLF - I am sending with my left foot.
QLF? - Are you sending with your left foot?

QLK - I am sending with my left foot and keyboard.
QLK? - Are you sending with your left foot and keyboard?

QNO - I am sending through a non-standard orifice.
QNO? - Are you sending through a non-standard orifice?

QOK - Your last transmission was Okie Dokie.
QOK? - Was my last transmission OK?

QRC - Warning, rag chewer on frequency.
QRC? - Are you a rag chewer?

QRW - Means QRP - Really Weak
QRW? - QRP, you are Really Weak?

QWC - I have to go to the bathroom.
QWC? - Do you have to go to the bathroom?

QZZ - I fell asleep at the mic.
QZZ? - Is that a 60Hz hum, or are you snoring?

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.

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